Industry insights, market outlook reports and commercial real estate
news, and trends from the Coldwell
Banker Commercial brand.
The use of cryptocurrency is expected to spread into the real estate sector in the coming years. The rise of this digital payment isn’t surprising, given the number of companies that now accept it for goods and services.
While the Fed has tools to keep inflation in check, there is a possibility that these tools (such as raising interest rates) will derail our recovery and have a negative ripple effect across the economy, as they did in the early 1980s. This article discusses four reasons we may see a high rate of inflation persist over the next few years.
here was a significant decline in sales and leasing activity at the outset of the pandemic in 2020 and although there has been a subsequent spike in construction costs, CRE markets are faring better than expected.
Currently,140 of the brand’s brokerage professionals have earned the prestigious Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation by the CCIM Institute, including three recent inductees: Michael Salik, Virginia “Ginny” Squire, and Rob Thomas.
What exactly is ESG? Why is everyone talking about it? And what does it mean for your business? ESG stands for Environmental Social and Governance, and refers to the three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company.
Daniel Spiegel was joined by Founding Partner of Mr. Cannabis Law, Dustin Robinson Esq. CPA, and Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT’s Rick Locchead to share insights, intel, and best practices when approaching a deal in the cannabis space. Jackie Bryant, San Diego based cannabis journalist, moderated the conversation.
While the Western states mature from the early green rush, cannabis legalization is surging on the Eastern part of the country as states look for economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic. While local laws vary, medical marijuana is legal in 36 states and recreationally allowed in 17 states.
While the pandemic accelerated trends in retail, it upended the strong momentum in the office and hospitality sectors and urban markets. These trends will likely continue in 2021 and reshape what buyers, owners, tenants, and residents may ultimately want to occupy.
In what is considered the first of its kind, Coldwell Banker Commercial (CBC) unveiled Commercial University®, a brand-new learning application. The innovative resource was explicitly created for Coldwell Banker Commercial network professionals. CBC’s collaborative network of independently owned and operated affiliates comprises nearly 200 companies.
Few real estate brands have risen to the level that Coldwell Banker has. Not only has the name been etched on the foundation of an industry, but it has also survived the test of time, enduring market shifts and rising strongly from devastating earthquakes. Coldwell Banker Commercial (CBC) is one of the oldest and most respected national real estate names in the country.